A never-before-seen insight into what your Cats are thinking when they look at you!


Course content


Have you ever wondered what your cat thinks of its human world and your idiosyncrasies?

It is easy to know what your dog thinks - s/he pays little attention to thinking and just enjoys everything ("my favourite food, ohh my favourite toy"). But your cat has a reputation for doing its own thing and only coming out when it wants something from Staff - like food or open the door or, maybe, a scratch - that's enough now!

In this Training Program you will not get you any insight in to what really goes on in your cats head when s/he stares past you, like through you and looking at the person behind you ... who is not there! But the Professor might offer an idea of what they are looking for when they look at you - are you a Vata Mumma, a Pitta Mumma or a Kapha Mumma? Are you going to feed me the same food as yesterday, twice as much food as yesterday or put my food somewhere else such that I need to find it? Are you feeling hot or cold or restless? Do you need a walk or to sit and meditate?

Using the ancient science of Ayurveda, the Professor will propose that your cat is trying to calculate what humans and other species are made of (in terms of the 20 Qualities and the 5 Elements) so they can Navigate the Human World.

If you would like a heads up on this, I suggest you enrol in the same course and for once in your life score a point up on your cat. But don't let your dog in on this or he may lose his innocence and kitten-like passion for life!

What you'll learn

  • An overview of your home

  • Things about Humans that Humans do not know!

  • How to identify the Key Human, Secondary Human and others in the household

  • Talk about your Feline Colleagues and other Species

  • Identifying the type of Key Human you have - Vata, Pitta or Kapha Mumma

  • The 20 Qualities and 5 Elements according to the Ancient texts of India {Ayurveda}

  • Differentiate between a Balanced Mumma and a Mumma who tips her Balance

  • Actions Mumma needs to take to re-balance and how you can help

Requirements - Who will enjoy this program?

Someone who enjoys films and entertainment as a way to educate. If you look at this training program as a formal training program, you may be disappointed; however, you may also be delighted with this alternative perspective!

* If you have a respect for cats and can spend hours watching them like a new mumma watches her baby;
* If you have an imagination that can apply the voice over to the cat who is just avoiding eye contact and doing his best ventriloquist act;
* If you are not adverse to "binge watching" the equivalent of 3 half-hour shows;
* And if you are looking for a different form of entertainment ... and if you learn something new about humans and how the wisdom of Ayurveda applies to them, that will be a bonus!

... Then this training program '101 How To Navigate The Human World - A Guide For Kittens' is right for you!

The only (real) prerequites for this course is a sense of fun, a love for cats and other species, an open mind to learn something new and a willingness to take away some tips to make a difference to your health and lifestyle! Oh, and some spare change to pay for it!

You have 30 days in which to complete the course. If you need more time just let me know (admin@thehealthexchange.com.au)!

This course includes:
  • 4 Downloadable Resources and 5 Links

  • Access on Mobile, Desktop, Tablet or TV

  • Certificate of Completion